Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)

The Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU) represents over 180,000 workers from virtually every category of employment across almost every sector of the Irish economy. SIPTU provides the expertise, experience and back-up services necessary to assist workers in their dealings with employers, government and industrial relations institutions.



BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and actively campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance.



Concordia Employers’ Confederation represents 14 of the most important sectors in the Romanian economy and it is a social dialogue partner, representative at national/cross-sectoral level.



Ibec is Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group. Our purpose is to help build a better, sustainable future by influencing, supporting and delivering for business success. With over 230 employees, Ibec engages with key stakeholders in Ireland and internationally through our six regional offices and our Brussels office, along with an extensive international network in the UK and US.
