1. Introduction

The European social partners have concluded a Framework Agreement on Digitalisation[1]  European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation June 2020[/learn_more] which applies to the whole of the EU. This agreement is of key importance for the future development of the EU Member States in the field of technological progress, digitalisation and the interaction of digitalisation with the wider economy. It covers all workers and employers in the public and private sectors and in all economic activities, including in activities using online platforms where an employment relationship exists, as defined nationally. The sooner this document is adopted at the national level in each country, the better synergy will be obtained in the relations between economic entities.

The objective of this project is  to support the implementation of the Framework Agreement as a prerequisite to the anticipated changes that come with digital transformation. The emphasis will be placed on:

  1. work organisation and working conditions;
  2. digital skills and securing employment;
  3. artificial intelligence (AI) and guaranteeing the human-in-control principle;
  4. modalities of connection and disconnection;
  5. respect of human dignity and surveillance.

It is extremely important to define the challenges for workers and enterprises to succeed and support the creation of new approaches to adapt labour markets at national level. The aim of the project is precisely to facilitate this transition in the individual EU Member States.

The recent dramatic increases in technological capabilities in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence provide society with countless opportunities and challenges. In order for society to benefit effectively from these technologies, there must be complete and in-depth information, an understanding of the impact of robotics and AI on growth, productivity, labour and equity. These changes in technological development are important from the development of each country.

Therefore, this project will include various research activities, such as study visits, round tables and information days, including a final conference. Dissemination of the results will be through publications and the creation of a project website. The main target groups are representative trade union and employer organisations at the EU and Member State levels and national and EU policymakers.

Upon successful completion of the project, two very important goals will be achieved.  First, it will assess the capacity of the social partners at national level and their contribution to overcoming the challenges posed by digitalisation. Second, it will contribute to the development of collective bargaining through new tools and practices that are the result of new forms of work in the context of digital transformation. In order to achieve the main goal of the project and the preparation of the national reports, it is necessary to define several main tasks, namely:

1) Conceptual basis of the digital transformation (glossary, stages of the process of digital transformation, criteria and indicators for assessment of the digital transformation in the companies, etc.) This concept will be elaborated and agreed by the project partners’ research team before the start of the desk research and will serve as a common starting point. It also aims to support the formulation and defining the scope of the empirical research.

2) To make an analysis of the literature (from a theoretical point of view the short-term and long-term trends in the field of digital transformation in each partner country);

3) To collect data for empirical research, which should be included in the existing debate on the issue (data is collected through e.g. interviews, online qualitative surveys, focus groups etc.);

4) To make a comparative analysis of the data;

5) To analyse the results of the conducted empirical research and to formulate recommendations to the economic policy regarding the implementation of the Framework Agreement.

Methodologically, the following quantitative and qualitative methods will be used:

1) analysis, 2) synthesis, 3) abstraction, 4) induction, 5) deduction, 6) comparative analysis and 7) empirical analysis. The social partners will use their previous experience with other agreements that have been undertaken at EU-level and their implementation in national economies.

2. Structure and methodology of National Reports

(Each national report should not be larger than 40 pages)

  • Stage 1 of the project consists of desk research on the national context;
  • Stage 2 consist of an online survey and expert interviews;
  • Stage 3 will consist of analysis, conclusions and recommendations

Stage 1: Desk research on the national context (up to 15 pages)

  1. Historical Trends and Development of Digital transformation in partner country (5 pages)
  • What is the national structure of the economy? (1 page)
  • Development of digital transformation in recent years (2 pages)
  • What are the forecasts for the future? (2 pages)
  1. National framework (5 pages)
  • Legislation, strategic documents, institutional framework, opinions of national social partners, collective labour agreements etc. (5 pages)
  1. The role or social partners (7 pages)
  • State of play on the main issues, arranged by the FAA on Digitalisation (2 pages)
  • Challenges and opportunities faced by social dialogue deriving from the digital transformation of the world of work (3 pages);
  • Examples of good practice (2 pages).

Stage 2: online survey and expert interviews – up to 10 pages

  • Description of the methodology used in conducting the interviews (brief information about the questionnaires, the empirical quantitative and qualitative methods, limitations in the scope, if any, etc.) – (1 page)
  • (Comparative) analysis of the results of the conducted interviews (general characteristics, but also specific trends at the national/sector/company level, based on the data obtained from the interviews. Which sectors are most affected by the processes of digital transformation in your country regarding respondents) – (6 pages)
  • Complementarity of the conducted interviews with the Stage 1 (desk research) – 1 page


Stage 3: Analysis, conclusions and recommendations (up to 5 pages)

  • Analysis, main conclusions from the national report
  • Proposals and recommendations for the implementation of the Framework Agreement

III. Structure and methodology of the Comparative report

Methodology will be discussed among the project partners at a later stage


[1] European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation June 2020












[1] European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation June 2020