The Confederation of the Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) established in 1990 is the biggest representative trade union organisation in Bulgaria representing the interests of about 380 000 workers and employees in Bulgaria. CITUB has been affiliated to ETUC and ITUC since1995.
CITUB has 29 Regional Coordinating Councils in the country, 156 Municipal Trade Union Councils and affiliates 34 sector/branch federations, trade unions and 5 associated organisations unifying self-employed, farmers etc.
The organization has an Institute for Social and Trade Union Research and participates in several NGOs: Workers’ Education and Training College; Institute for Industrial Relations and Management “OKOM”; Public Women’s Parliament; Youth Forum “21 Century”.
CITUB’s main areas of work are: labor and trade union rights; employment; social dialogue and collective bargaining, vocational education and training; working time and organization of work; health & safety at work; wages, salaries, related earnings and social benefits; social security and social assistance; quality of working life /including information, consultation and workers’ participation/ & living standards; rights and interests of disadvantaged groups /minorities, disabled people, youth, women etc.; social consequences of globalization, economic transition and EU integration processes, etc.
CITUB has participated actively as a constructive partner in many European and international projects aimed at building up and strengthening the European social model, the values of the civil society, the promotion of the rights of workers and employees, etc. Some of the most important projects in the last five years are:
- Security through the law, flexibility through the collective bargaining BG 051PO001-2.1.03 – (2008 – 2014) Operational Program Human resources development
- Information bridge “Bulgaria – Cyprus” BG051PO001-7.0.07-0154-C0001, Without borders, Operational Program Human Resources Development – ESF (2013-2014)
- UPTA Spain – European network for the support of self-employed and economically dependent work – TRADE – VS/2012/0434, DG “Employment, social affairs and equal opportunities” (partner)
- The Role of Information and Consultation of Employees and Workers at National and European Levels for the Improvement of Competitiveness, Employment Growth and Better Implementation of the European Social Model – INFORMIA II (VS/2011/0277) – Budget heading ‘Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG (2011-2012)
- CC.OO (Spain) Communication Techniques and Information Management Training for European Works Councils Representatives (COM.IN.TRA) Budget heading ‘Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG’ of the EC (2010-2011) (partner)
- Health, safety and environment in the workplace – project funded under the Norwegian Cooperation Program for Bulgaria and Romania (2009-2011)
- Response of Trade Unions in New Member States to the Economic Crises VS/2009/0189 – Budget heading ‘Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG’ of the EC (2009 – 2010) – (promoter)
- Improvement of the Process of Workplace Information and Consultation for a Better Employees and Workers Representation in Europe INFORMIA VS/2010/0142 (2009-2010) DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Developing e-learning Tools for Trade Union Education DeLTTUE (2009-2011) Lifelong Learning Programme
- Administrative Capacity Operational Programme for Bulgaria Project 07-23-162 “KNOWLEDGEABLE AND CAPABLE PARTNERS”, co-financed by the European Social Fund and Bulgarian Government (2008-2009)
- Learning Needs Analysis of Trade Union Trainers – Match 071201-091130 Lifelong Learning Programme