

Социалните партньори заедно за дигиталната
трансформация на труда. Нови измерения на социалния
диалог, произтичащи от Автономното рамково
споразумение по дигитализация“
TransFormWork VS/2021/0014




Да се проучи националния контекст, съществуващите стратегии и методологии, свързани с прилагането на Рамковото споразумение на европейските социални партньори по дигитализация, предизвикателствата пред социалния диалог, произтичащи от дигиталната трансформация в  света на труда, новите възможности представени от дигитализацията

Сравнителен анализ

Да се ​​направи сравнителен анализ на тенденциите в страните партньори

Повишаване осведомеността

Да се повиши осведомеността относно резултатите от европейския автономен социален диалог и да се подобри на разбирането на работодателите, работниците и техните представители за възможностите и предизвикателствата в света на труда, произтичащи от дигиталната трансформация


Обмяна на опит

В контекста на Рамковото споразумение на европейските социални партньори за дигитализация да се обменят опит и примери за добри практики и да се очертае ролята на социалните партньори и социалния диалог в този процес


Каталог на добрите практики

Да се ​​разработи „Каталог на добрите практики“, за да се помогне на организациите на работодателите и работниците да се възползват взаимно от възможностите и да се справят с предизвикателствата чрез партньорски подход


Организиране на дискусии

Да се организират дискусии и обмен между представители на работниците и работодателите относно ролята на социалния диалог в контекста на новите му измерения на национално и транснационално ниво чрез обмен на информация и примери за добри практики

Насърчаване на добри практики

Да се насърчат добрите практики и положителните резултати от дигиталната трансформация, както и ролята и въздействието, които социалният диалог може да играе за процеса на социално развитие и икономическите резултати в страните партньори и други държави членки на ЕС


Проучване на необходимостта

Да се ​​проучи необходимостта от изменение на съществуващите национални правни рамки, за да се подобри прилагането на Рамковото споразумение на европейските социални партньори по  дигитализация и да се направят предложения пред съответните институции.


Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA)

The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) is a voluntary, non-profit and non-governmental organization of the Bulgarian industry, established on 25 April 1980. BIA is an umbrella organization with a matrix structure, vertically representing the branch (sector) oriented organization and horizontally the regional and municipal organizations.

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Estonian Employers’ Confederation (ETKL)

We believe that private sector employers are the key to the development of Estonia and the welfare of its people. Realising this responsibility, we have intentionally taken an active role in improving life in Estonia. The Estonian Employers’ Confederation stands for a vital Estonia, being the voice of employers in Estonia and internationally.

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Malta Chamber

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is the independent voice of the private sector in Malta. Its principal mission is to actively represent companies from all economic sectors and ensure that entrepreneurs enjoy the best competitive environment and regulatory conditions possible for the conduct of business.

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Cyprus Workers’ Confederation (SEK)

Brief History

The Cyprus Workers Confederation-SEK, established in 1944, is one of the most important social partners in Cyprus within the framework of tripartite cooperation.
SEK represents through its affiliated unions, workers in all sectors of the country’s economic activity. The mass of members comes from the private sector, but SEK also represents the majority of workers in semi-governmental utilities and services and local authorities, as well as blue-collar public employees.

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Асоциирани организации


BusinessEurope is the leading advocate for growth and competitiveness at European level, standing up for companies across the continent and actively campaigning on the issues that most influence their performance.

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Concordia Employers’ Confederation represents 14 of the most important sectors in the Romanian economy and it is a social dialogue partner, representative at national/cross-sectoral level.

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Ibec is Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group. Our purpose is to help build a better, sustainable future by influencing, supporting and delivering for business success. With over 230 employees, Ibec engages with key stakeholders in Ireland and internationally through our six regional offices and our Brussels office, along with an extensive international network in the UK and US.

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The General Workers Union (GWU) – Malta

Founded in 1943, the GWU is the biggest Trade Union in Malta, with the most significant number of members from every sector of the economy. It has always respected and defended the workers’ interests. Over the years, it has improved working conditions and workers’ quality of life both at work and outside.

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Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (CSE)

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise produces concrete proposals for measures and reforms that improve the business climate. We provide knowledge and inform opinion. We seek to influence politicians and other decisionmakers. We represent business in discussions with unions and authorities. We give Swedish business a voice in the EU.

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Affiliated entity

Malta Business Bureau

The Malta Business Bureau represents the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) in Brussels and Malta. It does so by liaising directly with the European institutions, the Maltese Permanent Representation and with umbrella organisations such as BusinessEurope, Eurochambers and Hotrec on all policy and funding issues affecting Maltese business interests.

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Новини и събития

Final Conference

Final Conference

The Final Conference of the TransFormWork project was carried out on 20 February 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was hosted and organized by CITUB in collaboration with the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA); Cyprus Workers’ Confederation (SEK); Cyprus...

Irish National Info Day

Irish National Info Day

DUBLIN 15 FERUARY 2023 As part of the TransFormWork European Project, the Irish partner, SIPTU, held this Information Day in the CWU Conference Centre on 15 February, 2023. Brian McGann, the Project Co-ordinator for SIPTU, the Irish partner in this project, opened the...

Second Bulgarian Info Day

Second Bulgarian Info Day

The Second Bulgarian National Information Day was held on February 10, 2023. The event, hosted this time by the Bulgarian Industrial Association gathered more than 35 experts -trade union representatives from the headquarters and federations of CITUB, BIA, branch...

Third European Round Table

Third European Round Table

Dublin, 11 and 12 October 2022REPORT The third European Roundtable was held in Ireland on 11-12 October 2022. The opening day of this event focused on the Europe Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation and in particular on its relevance to new technology...

V SC meeting

V SC meeting

The V SC meeting took place on 21 June 2022 and 18 participants took part in the meeting from all co-beneficiary and associated organizations. The meeting was hosted by The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry following the very successful Second...

Second European Round Table

Second European Round Table

The Second European Round Table under the title FUTURE SKILLS & AI IN EUROPE was organized on 20 July 2022 in Malta. The event was organized and hosted by: The Malta Chamber and The Malta Business Bureau in collaboration with the General Workers Union. More than...

First national Info Day – Malta

First national Info Day – Malta

Friday 8 April 2022 Malta 1st national event on Digital Transformation of the workplace The Malta Chamber and the Malta Business Bureau in association with the General Workers Union organised a webinar event discussing two key topics from the EU autonomous framework...

Fourth SC meeting

Fourth SC meeting

The fourth SC meeting of the project took place on 25 February 2022 via Zoom and was attended by the project coordinators and researchers from CITUB, ETKL, Malta Chamber, SEK, OEB, Ibec. During the meeting the following topics were discussed and or/reported: an...

First Bulgarian National Info Day

First Bulgarian National Info Day

The First Bulgarian National Info Day took place on 15 February 2022 organized jointly by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Industrial Association. The event was attended by 30 people (in presence) and 15 people on-line. The...

Национален информационен ден по проект TransFormWork VS/2021/0014 15 февруари 2022 г. 11.00 – 17.30

Организатори: КНСБ и БСК  Работен език: български Сесия 1 Модератор: Ина Атанасова, мениджър на проект TransFormWork, КНСБ 10:45 -11:00 Откриване на Националния информационен ден – Пламен Димитров, президент на...

Екип на проекта

Ina Atansova

Project manager of TransFormWork
Head of PM unit/CITUB


Maria Theodorou

Project Coordinator
Head of Research and European Programmes Service

Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB)

Lena Panayiotou

Director / Industrial Relations & Social Policy Department

Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB)

Paraskevas Anastasiou

Head / International Relations & Event Management Service

Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB)

Linda Larsson

Project Researcher

Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)


Project Coordinator

Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)

Brian McGann

Project Coordinator

Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)

Kevin P O’Kelly

Project Researcher

Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)

Raul Aron


Estonian Employers’ Confederation (ETKL)

Johanna Odes

Communication specialist and project coordinator

Estonian Employers’ Confederation (ETKL)

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